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Let’s celebrate Guru Purnima together and pay tribute to the mentors who ignited our spirits!

Attend a Talk in Your City!


2 July


15 July


23 July


30 July

Upcoming Events



Mrs Jaya Row will be in the US from April 6 to May 4

If you would you like to benefit from her visit and host a talk, WhatsApp us on +91 98202 32939


Mrs Jaya Row will be in the in the UK from June 5 to 22

If you would you like to benefit from her visit and host a talk, WhatsApp us on +91 98202 32939

Guru Purnima Talks by Jaya Row



27 July


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Master the Science of Self Management

Begin your journey to self-discovery!

Vedanta is the universal knowledge that provides the technique of living. It gives the prescription for success and enables you to be happy as you are, where you are. 

The goal of Vedanta is to tap into the infinite power that resides within. Harness this potential to excel in all walks of life–now.


Jaya Row
A Spirited Soul

Jaya Row is one of the world’s most influential speakers on Indian philosophy, Vedanta. She is a well-loved spiritual leader whose expositions on Vedanta touch the mind and uplift the intellect.


Programmes & More...

Discover the importance of living the principles of Vedanta every day with Jaya Row!



Unlock your potential with daily inspirational videos. Imbibe the teachings of the Gita in your everyday life.


Enrol in the online course on OVERCOMING LIFE'S CHALLENGES by Jaya Row to regain your kingship today!


Your search for answers to life's mysteries ends here!
Find practical solutions to everyday issues and more.


You have the power to transform lives! Donate to Vedanta Trust to uplift the lives of others!

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Put an End to Suffering.

Some of us were hit by COVID, but many more suffered in anticipation. Pain is a given, but are you choosing to suffer?

Gain wisdom and make the right choice.


Bring Back the Fun!

Did you look forward to vacations at Grandma's place?

But today, do stressful work calls interrupt Your family time?

Say goodbye to stress and enjoy the fun You deserve. Learn to live a stress-free life with the Bhagavad Gita.



With a global vision and unparalleled knowledge of the scriptures, Jaya Row has transformed millions of lives.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Jaya Row has continued to spread the message of Vedanta online through free webinars on the Bhagavad Gita every Saturday.
Join us and contribute to the cause!

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Quote to Live by
"Work at your own duty in profound cheerfulness and all that you require for success will lay itself at your feet."
- Swami Rama Tirtha

Programmes & More...

Discover the importance of living the principles of Vedanta every day with Jaya Row!

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Thank you to everyone who joined us for the talk by Jaya Row! If you missed out this time, don't worry. We've got you covered with an exclusive 50% OFF ON ALL OFFERINGS BY JAYA ROW!

Get access to inspiring talks on topics like Awaken the Leader in You, Inspired Living, Happiness, and more. Unlock your potential and click here to learn more!

Stay tuned for more such amazing talks from 21 to 28 April in New Jersey and New York. Know more here. We look forward to seeing you there!