The world is like the ocean and challenges crash down on us like waves. If you’re a skilled surfer, you ride the waves of life with resilience. The course presents simple yet profound ideas that enable you to enjoy every moment of life.
In life, pain is a given. But suffering is your choice. You can opt to rise above challenges and the resultant sorrow.
Life is a game. Learn how to play it and enjoy! In the first module, Jaya Row explains the rules of the game of life.
You can be happy in the worst circumstance or miserable with the best. In today’s module, Jaya Row explains the secret to achieving true happiness in life.
We complain about challenges but it is these hurdles that promote our growth. Jaya Row explains how you rise above petty issues to achieve the impossible.
Do you have the strength to withstand calamities? In this module, you will discover how to remain unaffected by adversities and experience a life of grandeur.
Why suffer for others’ behaviour? Jaya Row explains how you can be amused at their quirks and not get stressed.
Are you hopelessly dependent on the world? Develop inner strength so as to enjoy life without using the world as a crutch.
Are you obsessed with thoughts of ‘I, me, myself’ or are you inspired by a higher ideal? Learn the law that will change your life dramatically.
Life is like a drama being enacted. Play your role to the best of your ability without getting involved. Discover how to act as if your life depends on it, knowing fully well that it does not matter.
Do you see obstacles instead of opportunities? By developing your intellect you can change your world view and achieve outstanding success and happiness. In this module, Jaya Row shows you how to grow to your potential.
Now’s the time to build your inner reserves and act in the spirit of giving. When you develop love and learn to be objective, you can rise above everyday challenges, gain the world and move towards the Beyond.