Unleash the Power of Sharing!
We believe happiness should be free. That’s why we don’t charge for the Weekly Webinars on the Bhagavad Gita, or, for that matter, any of our other programmes by Jaya Row! But we can’t keep it up without your help. If you are inspired and would like to join in our efforts to help illumine lives, please support the cause.
Vedanta Trust provides you with the opportunity to transform your life through the power of giving. “Give to Gain” is the law of life. The more you give, the more you gain.
We run several innovative programs for all sections of society on the Bhagavad Gita and other Vedantic topics in a contemporary manner. These are:
1. Bhagavad Gita Weekly Webinars by Jaya Row for people across the world, which costs Rs. 1 lakh per webinar
2. Publication of a book series on values for children, which costs Rs. 1.5 lakh per book
3. Life Skills and Football Coaching program for underprivileged kids, which costs Rs. 45,000/- for 3 children for 1 year
4. Bhagavad Gita lectures by Jaya Row in India & overseas
5. Pathway to Excellence program for the young
6. Value Education program for teens
Ways in which you can give:
Give a fragment of your income to enrich people’s lives
1. Make your contribution to VEDANTA TRUST online:
Indian nationals in INR:https://pages.razorpay.com/vedantaindia
Contributions made to Vedanta Trust are deductible under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act in India.
If you are outside India, click on the link below to donate in USD:https://pages.razorpay.com/vedantainternational
2. Give your effort:Help organise a lecture/ seminar/youth program in your city or organization.
3. Give your time:Offer your services at our office or in your city towards the various activities of Vedanta Trust.
4. Give your skill:You can volunteer your services in the field of your expertise.