Is Lord Krishna’s Message Relevant in Modern Times?

Lord Krishna is one of the most revered avatars or incarnations of Lord Vishnu who, along with Rama, shaped the character and unique culture of India. Krishna was Enlightened at birth. His evil uncle, Kamsa, had imprisoned his parents, so He was born in that prison. Amazingly, the moment He was born, the prison gates flung open. We are born in the prison of the body, mind and intellect. Our likes and dislikes, loves and hates, and prejudices and biases bind us. The Spirit, however, cannot be contained or limited by your matter components. So connect with Atman, your true Self, and you will be set free of all self-imposed barriers.

Every aspect of Indian life, from music and dance to poetry, sculpture and paintings, bears the imprint of Krishna’s life and message. We can see Krishna’s magnetic personality reflected in his infectious laughter, mesmerising smile, endearing antics with the gopis, and the fun and cheer that was unique to Him, everywhere.

Krishna’s life portrays a deep philosophical message to humanity. On the day of His birth, celebrated as Janmashtami the world over, we would do well to rekindle these values in our lives and spread happiness, togetherness and wisdom to all.

Krishna was dark-complexioned to denote that Atman, the Spirit, is unknown to us. We know only matter. We have no idea of the Infinite nature of our real personality. Krishna was blue and wore a yellow garment, the pitambara. Blue represents infinity, while yellow is the colour of the earth. The Spirit in us is Infinite. The body, mind and intellect are limited and bound.

Krishna played the flute expertly and attracted the whole world with his divine music. The humble flute is hollow with seven apertures or windows to the world – the five senses, mind and intellect. When you learn the art of operating with your inner instruments, you bring out exquisite music that is alluring and enchanting. Without this crucial knowledge, only discordant notes and cacophony emerge from us!

Krishna was an epitome of joy, cheer, enthusiasm and mischief. Your life gets filled with laughter and fun, and all sorrow vanishes when you learn the technique of living. Krishna says emphatically in the Bhagavad Gita – There is no place for sorrow in life. If you are unhappy, it is because of wrong identification with your matter layers and the unintelligent attachment to them.

Once, when Krishna was playing with his friends on the banks of a lake, the dreaded multi-headed serpent, Kaliya, appeared. It had poisoned the lake. Everyone fled in terror except Krishna, who danced on the heads of Kaliya and cut them off. As each head was destroyed, more grew in its place. Eventually, Krishna destroyed all the heads and killed Kaliya. The wives of Kaliya then paid homage to Krishna.

The lake represents the mind, polluted by the many desires you entertain, denoted by Kaliya. As you turn inward and focus your attention on the higher, the highest being Krishna or Atman, the desires vanish, and the objects of desire come to you. The wives of Kaliya paying homage to Krishna signifies this. If you want to enjoy the world and all it has to offer, rise above desire. Fix a higher goal and work for a noble cause. Then, the object of desire comes to you. If you chase after an object, it eludes your grasp. Desire is the greatest obstacle that stands between you and objects of desire.

When the Mahabharata war was imminent, both Arjuna and Duryodhana went to Krishna to ask for His help. Krishna was asleep when both the princes approached him. Arjuna, being humble, sat at Krishna’s feet. The arrogant Duryodhana sat near Krishna’s head. When Krishna woke up, He was astonished to see both the Pandava and Kaurava chiefs in his room. Both asked for his help in the ensuing battle. Krishna said He was neutral and would divide his resources equally between the two. He would give one his entire army and weaponry, while the other would have Krishna alone, completely unarmed. In all fairness, since He saw Arjuna first, He gave him the first choice. Unhesitatingly, Arjuna chose Krishna, while Duryodhana was only too happy with the armies and ammunition. At that moment, Arjuna won the battle even before it had begun. During the war, it was Krishna’s invaluable advice that helped the Pandavas win.

In this, there is a message for us. Clarity of thought is the most crucial determinant of success. Clarity comes with the development of the intellect. Moreover, you have to make sure you are on the side of righteousness. Selfishness and unrighteousness only guarantee failure. So, make sure you are following your conscience.

Thus, Krishna was Arjuna’s charioteer and provided him with the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita that helped Arjuna overcome his grief and win the war. The Bhagavad Gita helps us win our battles in life. We all have our battles to fight – the constant tussle between our own positive and negative tendencies, between our higher aspirations and lower indulgences, between the reasoning of the intellect on the one hand and the unhindered impulses of the mind and senses on the other. In the end, the Gita helps us transform from ordinary mortals into extraordinary Immortals.

One important teaching that is relevant in modern times is that of universal love. Love all beings at all times. But, the nature of the person you’re dealing with should determine your conduct. An animal lover loves all animals equally. He can shower his love on a pup or kitten, but not on a lion or tiger. Krishna tells Arjuna to rise above hatred towards Duryodhana. Love him, but kill him if need be. A parent always loves the child. But when necessary, the parent also disciplines the child. We operate in extremes. Either we are indifferent to people and have no feelings whatsoever, or get overwhelmed with emotion and lose our judgement.

Today, take a moment to reflect on your life. Let the teachings of Lord Krishna rekindle your passion and zest for life. Find cheer, enthusiasm and dynamism in life. With His wisdom, you can find success and happiness and regain your original stature – the Infinite, eternal state of Enlightenment!

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