Our Vision

Message from the Masters
Vedanta is the world’s foremost school of thought on self-management. It finds its origin in the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India. Vedanta is a universal knowledge applicable to people from all walks of life irrespective of their nationality, culture and religious background.
Passed on from generations of Himalayan rishis, sages, the eternal principles of Vedanta are as valid today as they were centuries ago. And it is this message of the masters that we bring to you today.
The Blissful Core of Your Being
Vedanta takes you through meditation to the realm of the Infinite. This is the essential nature of every human being. Your core. Boundless you are and will not settle for any less, driven by the nostalgia for the Infinite. Vedanta takes you to that supreme Goal – one step at a time.
So connect with Vedanta. Transform your life from one of mediocrity to that of excellence.
Our Mission
Our mission is to enable people from all walks of life to fulfill their potential by taking the universal message of Vedanta to them.

Vedanta Trust
Jaya Row has founded the Vedanta Trust, a registered charitable organisation, to take Vedanta to people the world over. Vedanta Trust awards need-based scholarships to people interested in studying Vedanta and organises free lectures on the subject.
If you are committed to Vedanta and would like to support us, please come forward and donate generously towards the cause. Donations to the trust are exempt from Income Tax under section 80G.