What is Intellect and how do you instil it in the self?

Intellect is already in you. As human beings, we all have the Intellect. And what is the Intellect? The Intellect is the discriminating power in you. It is that which distinguishes the pairs of opposites. It is the capability in you to make decisions, to weigh the pros and cons and arrive at a decision. The Intellect is clear, the mind is confused. The Intellect is the state in which you are discriminative, the mind is the realm of emotions. So indecisive thought is in the mind, while decisive thought is in the Intellect. How do you develop the Intellect? By thinking, enquiring and exercising your Intellect. The Bhagavad Gita is an excellent source of knowledge that enables you to develop the Intellect. Remember, do not just develop the gross Intellect that operates in the world distinguishing between pairs of opposites, but develop the subtle Intellect or conscience, which tells you very clearly what is right and what is wrong what is the higher and what is the lower, and what is the spirit and the matter.

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